Monday, November 8, 2010

saya jawab dengan jujur.

saya banyak dosa pada Allah, Tuhan saya.

saya banyak dosa pada ibu bapa saya.

saya banyak dosa pada adik-beradik saya.

saya banyak dosa pada sepupu saya.

saya banyak dosa pada kawan-kawan saya.

saya banyak dosa pada awak.

saya banyak dosa pada dia.

saya banyak dosa pada mereka.

:::: kalau saya tak sempat mintak maaf, tolong maafkan saya ::::

Sunday, November 7, 2010

nk post apa?

syes blurr sik tauk nak post apa ae..

kelak la carik idea.

gago blaja. exam. adeh.

!!! masa, tlg la cepat2 lalu.

mok ilek umah, abis blaja n keja.

dan encik masalah, tolong la jgn dtg dekat2.

saya penat~

Monday, November 1, 2010

I praise Allah.

Allah sent him.

to make me smile.


I smile all day long.

thanks kamu

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Allah strengthen me, please.

I know Allah plans the best for me.

There's something He tries to show me yet it cant be seen.

What's happening? How am i going to settle it down? Why it happens on me? When is everything will be normal like before?

I want yesterday. But today is not yesterday. Yesterday is the only way that i can fix everything.

.my heart says, it so impossible.

I know,too. He gave me the strength to GET THROUGH HIS DAYS.

For now i still can smile, laugh, cry, and living like other ordinary girl though i'm a lil' crazy.

.like they care.

all the pieces that left, i put them into one


I force myself to keep walking until my last breathe. probably that's the time they will know the truth. and they will thank me.

Monday, October 25, 2010


ok, sy pilih standard+english je. so, tade org yg akn slh fhm.

alhamdulillah, now i strong enough to post somthing dlm 'memew days' yg sgtla berhabuk stlah sy xpenah update2 lg. jgn tnye why i din updte mine. pls dont.

tgh type ni pon still pening2 lg nk tulis psl ape. yg pnting, bknla psl private *bodo nyela nk share kt cni.

cerita 1

satu hal, everyone keep asking me 'awk ok ke?'. ape mcm org gile ke aku ek? hehe. malu jugak sbb salu je org tnye soalan mcm tu. SAYA OK! sgt2 *even still nk hide something. dush3 =) . act, sometimes sy rase insane and crazy. i've tried so hard not to think about 'it' but i can't. xdpt avoid. gila la! hisy. baiklah, i admit the truth act I AM NOT OKAY fullstop. tp sy ttap snyum. if xlarat lg nk snyum, sy nanges. bile stop nanges, sy main gitar sambil nyanyi. then mintak doa n sign from Allah. tp it makes me confuse. ape Allah nk tunjuk ye? hm. before it's too late nk btolkan keadaan. Tuhan, sy tunggu tau~

cerita 2

dh nk abis sem 4 laa. wah! to my beloved classmates, i love u guys~ thanks adi sbb lantik aku jd ketua k.. now i realize, act being a leader taught me a lot. from zero to hero. =) also beloved rumate, sy syg awk la. hee. btol! awk byk support sy. thanks! *tears,stop pls. nk bg last speech esok as a ketua kelas ntuk 20 org besties. dan sy merupakan adik perempuan bongsu yg sgt la fragile. awas,saya mudah pecah! hati sy sgt sensitif. sy sgt cpat kcik ati. sy slalu mcm rs nk nges if i dont know how to solve the problem. for me, not just me 'a leader', yet 'everyone is a leader'.
again,thank u so much korang. saya sgt hargai anda~ sorry ats kekurangan, sbb sy cuma manusia biasa. i am no good.

cerita 3

for abg adi's family yg akn transfer pegi Limbang ari jumaat tok. speechless sbenanya. xtauk mok pdh apa. kamek sedeh. aok,xbulak. tp xtauk nk ungkapkan cmne. just take care there. to my lil echan n elza, love u babies. sama jak cik syg takorg mcm nephews and nieces yg lain. insy umur pjg kita jumpa. bila2 la k. to kak zai, kakak ipar yg cantek dan comel.. i care about u n love u as my own sis. take care. to my bg adi, i love u. we used to spend time together kan? miss that moment la. bait2 cnun bg. jg drik. keep moving on. kerja bgs2 a. be a best father to ur children n good husband to ur pretty wife. she loves u, so love her too. and plg pnting, family ktk syg ktk. we never stop pray for u the best.

cerita 4

esp for him. my bestfriend. my ex. u'll nvr be my past,yg pnting. thanks a lot. i just cnt vanish u easily from my mind. perhaps u cant be vanished. we've been through a lots of thing. it was 3years. bkn ms yg singkat. sgt la lama. alhamdulillah, no revenge. settle leklok dh. thanks for everything. i really appreciate u. i know it's hard. either me. lame2 ok la tu. =( tQ ye azim.

cerita 5

sy jeles! our senior dh nk abes end of this year. tak sabar nye! tp mst rindu balek time zmn study kan3? next year nk praktikum dh. ya Allah, blm prepare mental n fizikal la. tanak! mst penat gile. have to face kids. get ready with it nisa! nk kene layan karenah budak skolah ni pyh jugak tp yg tahun6 mst best. dpt jd kwn. hee. ingt lg last time pbs, budak2 taun 6 smue jd kwn. best gile. lepak same2 dlm kelas. best! tp cdeh coz our senior tade lg dh next year. no! and otago pon dh nexyer. YAZID! im gonna miss u laa... jgn lupak kmk aa. for them, take care pls. be a good student and good teacher. InsyaAllah.

cerita 6

abes dah segala yg dirapu oleh ku. =) lega ckit. even tak smue yg sy tls. *secreto. ok. adios.